
To Mature In Our Walk

Father, I'm praying for myself and others (name one or more) in my circle of family and friends to become increasingly mature in Christ...

Some have been content not to grow. They've continued to live as infants in Christ, settling for the milk of the Word, not ready to move on to solid food—sometimes for years. Forgive them and change them; help them be willing to grow, to become more mature in their walk, their understanding, and their application of Your Word. (1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12-14)

Help all of us to see wonderful things in Your Word and be eager to live by Your rules, not ours. Direct our steps according to the Word; let no sin rule over us. (Psalm 119:18, 9, 133) Give us a genuine desire to grow beyond simple, elementary truth, becoming strong in our understanding, as we should. (Hebrews 6:1–3)

Grant us perseverance so we'll not only begin but continue to grow in Christ, so one day we'll be complete and not lack anything. Help us count the cost of time and energy and be willing to pay the price. (James 1:4; Luke 14:28)

May we choose to grow spiritually. In Jesus' name, amen.
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