
To Listen With Heart

Father, I'm praying for (name one or more) and others in my circle of family and friends who need You to lead them through the decisions they're making...

Help them to live in dependence on You, as dependent sheep in the flock of their shepherd, willing to follow You and not be led astray. Help them to keep their eyes on Jesus, to listen for Him, to hear and recognize His voice. (Psalm 77:20; Isaiah 53:6; Hebrews 12:2a; John 10:3–4)

May they listen with their hearts and hear You say, "This is the way, walk in it." Guide them in Your truth; teach, counsel, and watch over them. When it seems like they're walking in the darkness and have no light, help them trust in You and Your name, confident that You'll lead them along paths they haven't seen before. (Isaiah 30:21; Psalm 25:5a; 32:8; Isaiah 50:10b; 42:16)

Lead and guide them for the sake of Your name. May they know their lives are in Your hands. Direct their steps and clear the way for them. (Psalm 31:3, 14–15a; Proverbs 20:24a; Psalm 18:36)

May the Spirit of truth lead them and teach them all things. Guide them in the way of wisdom and lead them according to Your will. ( John 14:16-17; Romans 8:14; John 16:13; 1 John 2:27; Proverbs 4:11)

Keep them from wrong choices. In Jesus' name, amen.
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