
To Manage Time Well

Father, I'm praying for (name one or more) and others in my circle of family and friends to be good managers of time...

Help them learn from Mary and Martha that busyness can keep them from sitting at the feet of Jesus where they'll receive His teaching and enjoy His friendship. May they find the one thing that Jesus said is needed—unhurried time at His feet. Protect them from the busyness of Martha; may their lives not be driven by the urgent but by the important—and help them know the difference. May they remember that Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet. (Luke 10:38–42)

May they make that choice, too, learning to be still before You—to cease striving, to let be, to know that You are God. Otherwise, they may find themselves working and serving in their own strength instead of Yours, feeling weary and weighed down. (Psalm 46:10a; Philippians 4:13; Matthew 11:28)

Help them not to try stretching their days, rising early and staying up late to do the things they feel they need to do— for You grant sleep to those You love. (Psalm 127:2)

May they pause throughout the day, asking You to order their steps, being confident that You will.

In Jesus' name, amen.
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