American Men & Women in the Armed Forces
Many Beliefnet members have created prayer circles for their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, and other loved ones serving in Iraq. Add your prayers of support for American troops and their families.
Click here for a special multimedia tribute to the troops.
The People of Iraq
Add your prayers for Iraqi civilians and the future of their country
Ali Ismail Abbas
"Ali is the 12-year-old Iraqi boy who lost his parents, other family members, & was maimed when a bomb hit his family's home when he was sleeping on 4/6/03. Ali lost both of his arms and was burned between 30-60% of his body..." Add your prayers.
Coalition Soldiers of Britain, Australia, and Poland
"Creator God, keep these soldier warrior men & women right beside you. Be right with them, all the time. Keep their families free from worry & be with them through all of this troubling time." Add your prayers.
Memorial: Iraqi Civilians
The number of civilian casualties in Iraq is in the thousands. Add your prayers for the innocent victims of this conflict.
Fallen Soldiers
A tribute to those who have died in service to their country. Add your prayers.
President George Bush
"May the power and infinite mercy of God manifest itself in the soul of Mr. Bush and all of the world's leaders in seeking peace and justice for ALL mankind." Add your prayers.
Prayers for Peace
"May all beings of all faiths and creeds join in compassion and mutual respect to bring peace to all. True love and compassion grows with each heart that gives just a little part of itself, so let us forgive everyone that does not follow our own spiritual path and offer all living things our boundless love and compassion. Metta, my friends." Add your prayers.