Food on the table.
Heat for the winter months.
A decent day's wage.
Restful sleep, all the way through the night.
Please provide me with the basic human necessities.
And then, something more:
Larger dreams, broader connections.
A cause to commit to.
Friends on the same wavelength.
Quality of life and a deeper meaning.
Answers to mysteries.
A way to be useful.
Setting the table with extra places.
An open heart to whatever life may send my way.
Bless me with life in all its glory.
Heat for the winter months.
A decent day's wage.
Restful sleep, all the way through the night.
Please provide me with the basic human necessities.
And then, something more:
Larger dreams, broader connections.
A cause to commit to.
Friends on the same wavelength.
Quality of life and a deeper meaning.
Answers to mysteries.
A way to be useful.
Setting the table with extra places.
An open heart to whatever life may send my way.
Bless me with life in all its glory.