2016-07-27 2016-07-27




Radio Transcript

This holiday season we focus on how thankful we are for our lives, our health and our well being. But there are millions of Americans whose lives are out of control due to addiction of alcohol and drugs. No matter the vice, whether it's prescribed medication or illicit street drugs, addiction has ruined the lives of users and their families. But through much faith and prayer many are finding their way out. People like Alfred Lee, a recovering addict who abused cocaine for more than 25 years.

At first it was the happy moments of it, the pleasure, the good times of it it was so exciting. It took me out of the rim of being a human being, I mean all my troubles and sorrows was all vanished when I took that first puff, hit or drink. It took away that pain and I was in "Lala Land", I called it "Lala Land." I couldn't think about nobody elses feelings but myself. I loved it like I love my wife, I loved it like I love God. It was a God to me.

Even in the midst of his downward spiral, his life spinning out of control, Alfred says he still called on God, but admittedly his prayers were not quite sincere

Before I got to this point my prayers were real, so superficial I just prayed, like, our lords prayer, God forgive me and, you know, amen. Before I got to this point, all those years, I used to run from my problem, run from city to city and not deal with the problem at hand and I ended up finding out that I took the problem home with me no matter what state I went to.

After many years in and out of rehab programs, picking up from one place to the next, his family and loved ones, praying for him along the way, Alfred finally got the wakeup call he so desperately needed.

When I went to this one particular city, Los Angeles, CA, I was rushing to get there. The drugs was so fun, the people were so fun and having a good time and drinking and drugging, but what really got me was when I saw something that God was warning me that this is the end of the drugs. I saw demons. Actually seeing the results of going the opposite way of God and God allowed me to see that before I died. He was able to give me my ending, which a lot of people in addiction don't see that until they're dead. But I saw people that didn't look human. That right there woke me up.

Still in dispair, and deep in the hole of his addiction to crack cocaine, Alred felt he had nowhere to turn. In an outpour of emotion, he somehow found the words to say a prayer to God and this time it would change his life.

That prayer that night had to be that sincere prayer; a prayer that was felt from my heart. I didn't know if he was going to answer this prayer, I wasn't worthy of it, but I asked him "Please, tell me what you need of me, tell me what you want of me. I'm willing to change my life and completely change my life and turn myself over to you, completely, 100%. And trust you and have faith that you will help me through my battles. And that prayer, when I prayed that prayer, I just got on my knees and I was fully honest, not trying to be prayerful or hold things back, I was truly honest from my heart.

Having said that prayer, Alfred experienced many changes in his life, but he admits it hasn't been easy. Drug addiction is just that, a strong hold. Although prayer remains at the forefront of his recovery, Alfred says it's not enough alone.

It's more than prayer. It's being able to do what you say in those prayers. But I pray to God, and I make a promise to God, that he holds me accountable to those prayers. They can't be no more superficial, no lying prayers, it has to be a prayer from sincere in your heart. You can't lie, don't lie to God, I can't lie to him no more. He knows me already anyway before I even lied.

Looking over the past 25 years of his life, Alfred often reflects on the many things he could have done had he not lived a life in addiction to drugs. But his pain and his struggle was not in vain; it is because of his addiction that he can now offer help his help and council to the many others who are still struggling under these same circumstances. His testimony is the subject of a new song her recently recorded and he even filmed a video on the streets of Philledelphia where he was once abusing drugs. Alfred offers encouragement to those who pray for deliverance.

If you're struggling, you don't know where to go, you feel your prayer's not being answered, the bottom line is you have to have faith. Have faith, it works.

Born from the struggle of his addiction, here's the song Alfred Lee now sings with a huge smile and a spirit of overcoming joy. It's titled "I had a Visit." Enjoy.

God has been good to me. And I'm reminded tonight of how God's will sent his Angels. Oh yeah, I wonder if anyone's praying with me tonight. One day I was going through a lot of problems, I was battling a drug addiction, and that night I couldn't sleep at all. I was tossing and turning, I didnt' know what to do. And I want to know if anyone out here has felt like that before or have you ever been in some kind of danger and wondered how you got out and when some of us should have been dead. But somehow God made a way out, out of no way. And God has been good to me, good God of mine so anyway when I finally woke up from dream these beautiful words came into my mind.

Song Chorus:

I had a visit
Of God's angel
Last night

Oh I had a visit
from God's angel
He held me with all his might

I had a visit
Of God's angel
Last night

And he watches and protects me all through my life


I woke up this morning 
I could have died
But God sent his guardian angel
Right there by my side

So dont' take for granted
How you live each day
Because when you go to sleep at night
It can go the other way


When I was living in sin
I almost lost my life
But if it wasn't for God's angel
I wouldn't make it out a life

So dont' take for granted
How you live each day
Because when you go to sleep at night
It can go the other way


When I was strung out on drugs
My life was in so much danger
But if it wasn't for God's angel
Jesus wouldn't be my savior

So dont' take for granted
How you live each day
Because when you go to sleep at night
It can go the other way


You know this song reminds me of a story in the bible. That's chapter 12 verse 5 & 18. King Harrod had Peter arrested, had him bound with chains, between 2 soldiers, locked in prison. Then that night behold a light shine through the prison and an angel of God stood by Peter and he struck him on his side and he said "Rise quickly." Then the chains fell off Peter's hands. Then the angel said get yourself together and follow me and Peter did as the angel said. Then they past the first post and then the second post and came to an armed gate. The gate opened then they went down on the streets then the angel left Peter, and Peter was safe and went on about his business. And we too have angels that God sends us to watch over his children. So don't let drugs and alcohol be the problem if it's keeping you down. We must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and be the person that God intended us to be.


(Repeat Chorus)

Thank you for tuning into Prayables Radio. I am your host of "What Matters." Twana James, and I invite you to tune in next week as we reflect on prayer. Tonight we leave you with a prayer from our Prayables collection, this one titled "Your Ideal" by Robyn Cruze.


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