Radio Transcript
Hello this is Susan Diamond, I am Chief of Pray, I am one of the women of, an online prayer community for women of all faiths. I'm here with my BFF, best friend forever, Debbie Winton, we're going to be talking about gratitude and one of my favorite things, food. I'm going to be sharing. I'm going to be sharing some faith filled diet tips and a true story about counting your blessings.
That's certainly a perfect pre-Thanksgiving topic. I'm actually laughing to myself because I'm sitting here in a parking lot of Fannie May Candies, talking to you today.
Oh my favorite. Go ahead and get a pastel butter cream for me, will you? And everyone please get in on the conversation. If you're listening live, logon to blog talk radio and when you're listening on website, please comment, we will respond. And to read today's blog, prayer and transcript from the show, visit and type in gratitude diet in the search box in the upper right side of the page. So Debbie, I'm going to share my blog about losing weight with the gratitude diet and then we'll finish up with a beautiful prayer by Lori Strawn called "Weighty Request."
I'm interested in this because gratitude is an old wonderful topic to me, I have to say dieting is a new topic as I have embarked on my first diet as I enter my 50's, so I'll be curious how you combine the two, Susan.
Especially day before Thanksgiving, diet talk. Let's talk more on the gratitude side, how does that sound? Or the food side?
That actually sounds much more appealing to me, so I would love if you would sort of talk us through your blog and then we'll chat about.
All right, I'm going to start with my worship of food. I don't know if my verb is too strong.
Oh, my mouth is watering. You told me not to be talking about dieting, but seriously my mouth is watering as you talk about this.
Well, it's just spinach and cheese, Debbie, that's not too terrible.
Well as a vegetarian it sounds really good to me. And you know, Susan, that I love food but I actually, I really think I love it in a different way than you do. I have the same gratitude about it that you do, I am so grateful to have the food, to have the farmers who have dedicated their lives to the food, to the growth, to the truck drivers that drive it. But also, for me, the food and the gratitude of it is sharing food, I love, and I know you do, preparing food and serving it beautifully and sharing it with my family and friends. I think gratitude and food are so closely tied in, and especially on this Thanksgiving holiday, I think it really gives us pause for all that we have in our lives. And to be able to walk into a grocery store and have the selections that we have at prices that, you know, for most people are affordable. To me it's a bit overwhelming, and its not only gratitude for the food but for the pot you prepare it in, and the stove that you're cooking it on and the guy that invented the stove and the truck driver that drove it to the store; it's alot.
And one of the things you just said reminds me that there's a great blog on from Sue B. Edwards and she's talking about food and how her mom always cooked at home because it was too expensive to go out to a restaurant. And she has one line which I thought was great and she says "one of the coolest ways to show someone that they matter is to feed them."
I love that.
It's so true!
Well what's the first thing you think about in times of need or in time of joy? Is feeding somebody.
That's a good routine. I know in the Jewish religion, when someone dies, that's the first thing we do. We call up and say "can we bring in dinner?" And I'm sure it's not exclusive to our culture. Somebody is sick, you want to bring in a casserole. You want to make sure they have good food to eat.
Yes, and as we all prepare for this beautiful holiday tomorrow, which doesn't have a religious overtone, it really gives us a day to pause to whoever you want, just to say thank you. And I'm grateful to you Susan too, believe me
Well I do appreciate that. I'd like to kind of wrap it up with a beautiful prayer from Sue B. Edwards, and it's called "With Thanks."
With Thanks
Thank You.
Thank You for
all that I have,
all that I am,
and all that I may
one day become.
I know
this is possible because
of the opportunities
You gave me,
the teachers
You sent my way.
Please help me
give back to the world,
by being the glowing example
that You mean for me to be
each and every day.
In my actions,
my words,
and my love
may others see You
shining through me.
Amen. That's beautiful. Susan, thank you again for sharing your blog and extremely beautiful, very appropriate, poetry. And as always I love spending this time with you on air.
Well it's always fast and furious at prayables radio, and for our listeners who want to find more faithfilled women's conversation, blogs and prayers, discover . As we do this radio show, it is the eve of Thanksgiving, there's a gratitude diet that would be wonderful for you all to try and express at your dining tables, whether it's Thanksgiving, or any other time. It's with much gratitude that I thank you all for listening, for sharing, and I want to end with a holiday greeting for everyone.