Reflection: Prosperity - Joshua 1:8
Own it. There's no magic fairy dust to make riches appear. You don't have a sixth sense for picking the winning numbers on a lottery ticket. You do have the smarts to be successful, stamina to keep moving forward, and talent to be productive. There's a key word in this verse from Joshua 1:8, Y-O-U. Yes, Y-O-U will have good success, but it's up to Y-O-U to make your way prosperous. God gave you something better than hopes and wishes; He gave you His love and your spirit. Say a prayer of thanks for all you have. Now go out there and make prosperity happen. "You shall make your way prosperous, and you shall have good success." Joshua 1:8
Prayer: Tail End of Hope
I cannot see the light at the end anymore. All I can see are the months stretched out before me, each one representing a new set of bills I cannot pay. I see no way out. All I see is deeper debt, deeper failure. I would love for You to guide me out of this. I am asking to be rescued. I am asking to see results. If this is not something You can give me right now, please teach me patience. Grant me the faith to hope for better times and to believe in a worthwhile lesson learned. Open my eyes to the many blessings that surround me now, the blessings that I do not have the strength or energy to search for myself. And above all, please show me Yourself, so that in moments of greatest self-doubt, I can find my way into your waiting arms where I can understand that I am not in this alone. - Abigail Wurdeman
Blog: Family & Money
Make or take a loan from a family member and watch your relationship change. Money and power go together. Too often money is used to control people and to influence outcomes. Perry is a smart man to admire. He shared his secret to success. Perry will never make a personal loan. What he does is, give a gift. Loaning money to a loved one requires a difficult commitment. The money needs to be spent in a certain way and repaid in a specified time period. There’s almost always disappointment. Here’s some tips from Perry about financial gift-giving: 1. Consider your own budget and disregard the amount requested 2. Recognize the true ownership of the problem, and resist the urge to “rescue” somebody else 3. Let the recipient know this is a one-time gift, do not give more in the future A gift serves a different purpose than a loan. It’s a gift of freedom. By giving away an amount you can afford to part with, you’re saying, “I believe in you, I trust you.” Lender and borrower both win. Honor your family with strategic generosity and you’ll find just the right balance of power over money.