You say poh-tay-toe, I say poh-tah-toe. No matter how you slice it, we're still talking about a brown starchy vegetable that (sadly) tastes best when fried.
Just as there is no absolutely correct way to pronounce the word potato, there's no single way to observe the Sabbath.
The concept of resting from work and celebrating Creation is biblically-based. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all share religious roots in the Old Testament, but like the potato theory— while the object is the same, its description is different. Many other religions do not have what we in the Western world know to be a Sabbath. However, gathering together for prayer and praise is practiced by all.
What if you're spiritual, not necessarily religious? Is it important, or even meaningful, to set aside a day for rest and appreciation? Try it and see for yourself. Schedule some rest for yourself and put prayer on your to-do list.
This is what the Lord commanded: "Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord."
Exodus 16:23