2017-03-27 2017-03-27
Food, Friends, and Fulfillment: The Secret Sauce
I’m searching for the secret sauce. Like a great chef— I’m trying to find the recipe that will keep my guests coming back for more. I thought about it again last night. We were at for dinner. When you order the Crown dinner (and who doesn’t?) you get a shrimp appetizer with a gooey that is the BEST SAUCE EVER! The combination of flavor and texture is perfectly blended. Those few tasty morsels keep me from going to , , or any other Japanese steak house. I love food and I’m one of those people who lives to eat, rather than eats to live. I am also into another type of nourishment, the spiritual kind— prayer. Just as there are many ways to enjoy food, there are equally as many ways to enjoy prayer. I’m trying to find the secret sauce for a delicious prayer life. Read next feature >
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