
“In the middle of the night I heard a clear, loud voice ask, 'Who are you?' I ran to my computer and typed three lines without thinking:

1. Wholesome
2. Generous
3. I have my Father’s eyes

I knew it was God asking me. The words on my computer screen were a mirror of my true self – a blueprint to my soul. I sat there feeling calmly aligned. For a moment my mind let go and my soul peeked through.”

This is . Jill started a faith-based jewelry company, Compelling Creations in 1998. It’s a ministry of sorts that has given financial freedom to consultants who participate in the direct selling program and non-profits who join the affiliate network. For Jill herself, the rewards are many.

She’ll tell you her success would not be possible without first aligning her values with her business.  This means, answering the question of who she really is, and listening when God speaks.


I look in the mirror and see a jumble of flaws.
Please, help me see myself as You see me:
Perfect. Whole. Capable.

Help me to view my defects as potential,
my awkwardness as a different beauty.
Prevent me from self-harm,
and from habits that bring me shame.

Help me to accept myself as I am,
just as You do,
with limitless kindness and forgiveness.



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