2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Do you feel like crying because things are not working out? Are you sad at times as if something is fading away or dying inside? Or maybe you feel excited, like something is about to happen? You're showing symptoms to what I observe as the “reinvention virus.”

Reinventing yourself requires a new direction for your business and your life: A shift to your inner circle, a personal and emotional check-up. You have no choice but to strip out the weeds surrounding you and begin to help the "real you" breathe and become visible.

The ability to reinvent yourself is what you need in order to stay ahead of the game. Whether it’s new ideas for business or closer relationship with your family, it makes no sense to operate in non-productive habits.  If something is broken or unsustainable, and you have given it your all, don’t wait too long before you begin the reinvention process.

Reinvent yourself. Rock this world. Trust in God to guide you through the change about to take place. Something phenomenal is going on in you.

-Lucinda Cross

Lucinda Cross is the author of Corporate Mom Drop Outs, consultant, speaker, coach, and trainer. Contact Lucinda at [email protected], and visit her at and .

© 2011 Lucinda Cross All Rights Reserved
Reprinted with permission.

Everyday Miracles

There are things
I don't understand,
but I count on them.
A compass.  

Things that light my way
and take me where I need to be.
Common sense.

Things I count on to
keep my feet on the ground.
A butterfly's gossamer wing.
Things I hold in my heart
when life looks bleak.

Make me pause each day to
remember these bountiful blessings.
Soften my heart when
small slights distract me.

Make me worthy of Your grace
as I live every day.



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