
When it comes to doing better business, we need to understand, we will have rocky days, and days that flow.  I see many "womenpreneurs" sit around in groups, commiserating on the lack of everything but the amount of shoes in their closet.  Lack of time, lack of support, and most of all, the lack of money.

It is time to let your creative juices flow. Start thinking about how you can generate more money by either adding value to your current business or utilizing your under-performing skills, talents and resources to supplement what you are already doing to increase your income.  We must move from making money to growing income. Ask yourself these questions:

- What can you create that can be assembled and marketed to the vital few?
- What can you invest in that has potential to produce a positive ROI?

The key is to run a business that will support you NOW and LATER.  These opportunities can be sweet, sticky and worth unwrapping.


from Lucinda's extended feautre: "How to Turn Your Creative Juices into Income Now and Later."

Lucinda Cross is author, coach and founder of  , a book, blog site and a lifestyle.  or find out more at and .

© 2011 Lucinda Cross. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission.

Inspirational You

I pray for You to be with me
in the moments I need inspiration
to fulfill my life’s pathway
with creative moments and joy.

I know my journey consists of
more than just monumental events,
but is filled with day-to-day activities
that lead me to my greatest work.

I find my joy and inspiration all around me
because You have laid it there,
right in front of me.

A beautiful sunrise, a golden sunset,
my children laughing, my husband gleaming,
the dogs wrestling, the wind caressing my skin.

All of these are Your doing,
but each of them inspires me
to be more than I am right now.



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