2016-07-27 2016-07-27

“Critical is the place you get to when you have no more options and your mission can not be aborted but must be accomplished. What will happen if your destiny becomes mission impossible because you have not made it mission critical? Master your Mission!"  -Anna McCoy

I witnessed a masterful coaching session between a struggling entrepreneur and her coach, who knew how to show another, just how critical her mission is.
One woman, I’ll call her Mary, shared her goal of “really working” her coffee business.  She had a financial investment as a re-seller of a coffee product she absolutely loves. Her problem, (she thought) was finding the courage to sell it to others.

Through a series of probing questions, Coach was able to help her see that courage wasn’t really her problem at all. In less than ten minutes, Mary recognized the need to share her enthusiasm about the coffee first, and sell it later. She was able to move her mission from impossible to critical. Not only that, she took away a plan to meet her true goal, mastering her mission!

by Coach Anna McCoy!

Coach is founder of , (WAN) a unique online community of women who are coached in strategic business planning and personal development. WAN is a chapter based membership organization grounded in love, appreciation, faith and prayer.


It's so hard to get motivated
to change the things I can.
I tell myself I must let go
of what does not nourish me.
I shouldn't just live
with 'the devil I know'

There is a lioness in me
that needs to roar
and a great, golden path
that leads to peace.
I ask You, discombobulate me
shake my boots, and I know
I will be so much more.

Miracles accrue,
one prayer at a time.



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