
“I have taken myself off of Facebook.” This from my Goddaughter, Chinazor.  My 15-year-old inspiration, determined that this form of socializing is, “addictive” and “time consuming.”

She has plans.  

She is going to become a cardio-neurological surgeon and a bio-engineer so she can heal people and make lives better. This summer, she was volunteering in the operating room. “I got to touch cancer cells!” she said with the glee that most teenagers would have over having the whole summer off.  

Chinazor is walking toward her vision with passion, placing each foot solidly in front of the other. She has not a worry, that any of her choice of schools will no less than covet her presence: Stanford, USC, Johns Hopkins, Yale, and Berkeley. Brava my darling Chinazor. Brava!   

This is a time that is truly magnificent, splendid and awe-inspiring. More than once I am reminded to catch this wave of youthful exuberance, trust, faith and unwavering belief in Self.

Through God all things are possible.  Today I am reminded by a teen-ager, the first step comes through me. Today, I’m reminded, I am all that I Am.

Affirmation: I am as I Am!

Mercedes Warrick is The Intuitive CEO® at The Achievement Sanctuary® and author of The Soul Inspired Tune Up®.  She assists people to release, align, energize and elevate  their inner beliefs with their outer lives and this includes their work!  Visit her websites at and  

© 2011 Mercedes Warrick. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission.

Rubber Meets Road

Every day without fail,
I tell my son: Always do the right thing.
If you give your word, keep it.

Sometimes he rolls his eyes,
but I know it sinks in eventually.

I look back at the fading
forensics of those times
You tried to reach me too.
Rolling my eyes toward the heavens, I tuned You out.

Look at the whole of nature and the arc of life and it’s clear:
I gave you my word, and I’ll keep it.

Please make me mindful of the fact
That the things that really matter find their way back in time.


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