
If you're a person who finds strength and contentment in your faith, then it's likely you would want to share the same with those around you.

I was sitting in the back of a taxi, talking on my cell phone, not paying attention to the man behind the wheel in the seat in front of me. I ended my conversation and happened to notice; the driver's hair was soaking wet. It took a few seconds before I realized he was having some type of seizure. He pulled off the highway and drove onto the shoulder.

When it was over, he told me in a shaky voice that he was fine— though this had never happened to him before. I asked him if he would like to say a prayer with me, thanking God for bringing us to safety. The man said he was not a believer, but he'd like me to pray for him anyway.

When I got out of the cab, this taxi driver who was once a stranger and now a friend, said, "Thank you. I felt something today."

Impossibly Alive

I was absolutely certain
I was going to die.
I saw the world spin around me
while my hands gripped the wheel
and my foot frantically pumped the break.
I pled with You; I begged for my life.

And You were beside me.
Taking control because I could not.
Your strong hands guided me to safety
and Your soft voice quieted my wild mind.
Now, remembering my hands trembling
and a voice unsteady
I offer You my humble thanks
for honoring my life by saving it.

"Is there someone you would like
to share your faith with?"


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