
Three moves in two years. I’m way too friendly with the guy at Budget Truck Rental. I’m sitting here feeling sorry for myself, and then I think of my Mom. She moved 38 times in her life, Dad was in the military.

Picture this:  The U.S.S. Washington, 1952.  Almost all passengers were women and children.  I was on that ship with my three siblings. We were all under the age of seven. Mom recalls that her cabin mate opened the door and gave one very unhappy look to all five of us before she let us in.  We got seasick during the trip, but for the most part we behaved ourselves.  Mom said she and her cabin mate were actually good friends by the end of the trip.

And that’s how it goes. Friendships are made under trying circumstances. Moving can lead to better opportunities. I follow Mom’s lead and make peace with change. I’m inspired by her and all the military families who know this routine too well. I’m prepared as I ready myself to move to my next destination.

Moving Pains

Please help me find
a sacred place within my heart,
where I may house precious memories.

Where I may return
on a fragile day to wander
through each comforting room
with out-stretched hands,
touching all the joys
that once lived within these walls.

Please help me find strength and peace
as I place the key to my past
in the hands of a new guardian.   

May I walk into the future with faith and confidence,
unafraid and willing to open new doors.
Help me to trust that I will again find my sense of home.

"How have you been inspired by a military family?"


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