2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Recently, I came across a great read:  “” by Pamela Kennedy. It’s a charming book filled with beautiful scripture, uplifting devotions and (my favorite) action steps to help you apply spiritual insights to your life. Kennedy writes:

"When we wake up, before getting out of bed, let's take one minute and ask God for wisdom to face the challenges of the day… and peace to accept stressful situations as opportunities to depend on God.  

On the way to work, we'll take four more minutes to sing or listen to one praise song or hymn.  

In the middle of the day, let's take a one-minute break and thank God for how He has already guided us and for the help He will give us through the remainder of the day.

Then when we go to bed, we'll take one minute to thank God for at least three things… and ask Him to take our worries, concerns and stresses… into His hands so that we can sleep peacefully and with confidence."

Break the "I don't have time for God" problem – today!

from extended feature!

Sabra is a writer and editor at OurPrayer.org. Her blog is featured with permission of . Copyright 2011 by Guideposts, Carmel, New York 10512. All rights reserved.

A.M. & P.M.

This morning I wake and I thank You.
For the gift of seeing a new day begin,
and the energy I'll need, to make it through today.

When the day is over and nighttime comes,
I will thank You.
For the gift of knowing a day has been well-spent
and for the tranquility that comes with a darkened sky.
Morning to night, a precious cycle.
I am each day, grateful.



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