
Have you ever noticed how the hand of coincidence strokes our lives? Maybe you’ve had two events happen simultaneously, in unbelievable circumstances, and rational thinking cannot explain the “tiny miracles.” 

The moment we feel abandoned, or entirely without hope, an unexpected scenario unfolds. Suddenly the answer appears, written in the glorious script of an unseen author.

Albert Einstein wrote, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

We are not alone in this world and little coincidences help remind us.  It’s no coincidence the word “coin” is embedded in the word for this mysterious phenomenon. There is a spiritual presence with divine timing, using the daily events in our lives in a magnificent way.

Nothing is impossible. Acknowledge that a power greater than our own, works behind the scenes to help us achieve our greatest dreams.  Revel in the beautiful sound of anonymous whispers from the universe.

How many coins have you collected along life’s path? Share your stories with others as you enjoy wealth beyond compare.

Sharon Sinclair is a poet, author and inspirational speaker. © 2011 Sharon Sinclair. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Divine Timing

I am so impatient,
sighing and stomping around my room.
I've been praying for a full year now.

Do You give points for faithfulness?
My numbers surely must impress.

What can I do to rush Your answer:
Light a candle?
Or should I fast?

Would you please give me a sign?
Nothing big, I'll know it's You.

OK- new prayer.
I get it.
"You who supply my every breath,
I beg You- teach me patience,
help me recognize a prayer answered."

You hear me.
I'll wait and watch.
Your timing is always perfect.

- Heidi Haller


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