2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Is there anybody besides me who find reality shows redundant? I’m living my own drama and I’m itching to get up and change the channel. It’s time to escape reality and choose one of my favorite past times: travel.

Getting away from it all is the single most important thing I do to clear my head and open my heart. Sometimes I’ll pick a spot I’ve been before, one I know and love. Other times I’ll get away to somewhere totally different. Wherever it is, my routine is delightfully similar. I drag out a very long breakfast and read the local newspaper cover to cover. I explore shops, parks and occasionally, a tourist attraction.

It’s usually the three o’clock slot when I get back to my room and reflect on the glory of an unproductive day, well-spent. A favorite writer of mine, , talks about the rejuvenating power of travel as a greatest escape: "When you’ve had enough, pack your bag, head for the hills, and wallow in the soul-saving
grace of travel."

Making Room

The sign on the wall simply reads: Be Open.  
I pray I can be open to change,
open to hope, open to love.  
I want to be open to joy, 
and open to unexpected grace. 
I will be open to gifts You 
bless me with, whether I know it or not. 
I know I can do what I ask of myself— 
to be open to the life I need.

"Tell us about a time your soul
was rejuvenated from a great trip!"


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