2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Nan was getting ready for a normal kind of weekend. She’s lucky enough to live in the same area with her daughter, but even still, she doesn’t see her that often. They both live busy lives. Nan is the go-to-gal for her church and three other charitable causes. Her daughter, Lizzie, is a typical twenty-something; heavily focus on her career, fun and seeing to it that her Mr. Right is happy.

Lizzie texted her mother: “Comin to burbs, wanna hang out w U.”
Nan replied: “U R on :)”

With a prayer to the One responsible for weekends, mothers, and daughters, Nan found herself preparing for the simple pleasure of enjoying the company of someone she loves. It’s not about just making sure she has soy milk in the house, getting out her walking shoes, or queuing up a chick flick. Getting ready for the weekend means thanking God for companionship, relaxation and the time to enjoy the truly holy— family.

Seventh Day

Sometimes the answer
is in the waiting…
sometimes the answer is, be still.
Pause.  Breathe.
For Whoever crafted nature,
tiny toddler toes,
and worlds without end
is surely able.

And if the seventh day
was the day of rest,
Then no matter
how much world-shifting,
life-changing drama may be
in the offing,
there’s always
the seventh day.

Please remind me of this,
as I run in place,
and shake my fist at the sky.
Respite, relief, and rest will come.
Be present for me even
when I am not myself,
and help me to calm my mind.

- Ruth Williams

"What’s your favorite way to spend your day of rest?"

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