2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Politicians and preachers have something in common - besides occasional sex scandals and corruption - and that is, the uncanny ability to always stay "on message."

The same holds true in the world of advertising. Asking people to part with their money these days is no mean feat, so when asked to write copy for an ad campaign, I focused on a catchphrase and imagery that would convey optimism and altruism without being preachy.

One thing that sometimes falls by the wayside in advertising is - the facts.  Does this product work?  Will it break after a week?  Does the manufacturer stand behind it?

The truth doesn't turn like the Tide or set like the Capri Sun.  The truth is always true.  So be true to yourself.  You are the product.  You own your life, so make it your own.  Find out what you stand for.  Be about something.  Blaze your own trail.

Be a blessing and you will be blessed.  Now that's what I call "Truth in Advertising."

Ruth Williams is a founding member of the Prayables PrayMaker Council and freelance writer living in central Jersey, with her son, Coleman. You can read more from Ruth on prayables.com and on her blog; .

Choosing Life

So many times I hear myself scoff.
“There’s no way that can be true.
Too easy. Too nice. I’m no one’s mark.”
Help me see that when I harden my heart,
I close myself off to those around me,
to the possibilities of tomorrow, and to You.

Give me the strength to open myself
to the heart ache that accompanies compassion,
to the tired-to-the-bone feeling
that comes from hard work.

Give me the vision required
to look out and to look up,
to see You pointing out the path
You want me to follow in this life.



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