2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Most of us do not live in a world where we take vows of poverty to prove our holiness. Money is essential to our everyday existence.

Linda is what some may call a, “bleeding heart liberal.” She is an activist, philanthropist and a volunteer for many good causes helping people in need. Yet, she begins each day with an attitude of guilt rather than gratitude. Poor Linda, she beats herself up because of her fortunate circumstances.  

There are times when abundance feels like a burden rather than a blessing. It hurts to see others without, but if we look at money as a glorious responsibility, we can be grateful. 

There’s a new movie called . It has a powerful and insightful message: We should show our gratitude by thanking God for what makes us happy, and then with all the chutzpah we can muster, ask for more.

Keeping Score

I thank You for simple pleasures
that fill my heart with gratitude:
the kiss of color in a masterpiece of sky,
the refreshing coolness
of yogurt in the morning light,
a clean, comfortable bed
at the end of the day.

In my blessed abundance,
help me understand why
there is such disparity in the world.
Help me recognize
the need in anotherʼs eyes
and help me use the resources
You have given me to make a difference.



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