That’s Mom-pre-neur not Mom-poor-neur.
Mompreneur is a mom and entrepreneur who has positive habits and positive results. She is happy doing the following:
-Spends more time with her kids than her computer
-Enjoys dates and girls night out
-Enjoys quiet time, meditation and praying
A Mompreneur spends 20% of her time producing 80% of the intended results she wants out of life and her business. She feels excited about what is happening and she is in a constant state of expectancy, leaving the control in God’s hands and out of her own. She feels confident and blessed.
The Mompoorneur is stressed and feels pressured by neglected family and friends. She continues to work on projects that yield no financial increase. The mompoorneur has poor habits and gets poor results.
Life is way too short and too precious to waste. Each day you are given the gift of breath to seize the opportunities and keep your mind focused on what’s important. Get your house in order first and watch how success comes creeping in, and then rushing in, to your life.
Lucinda Cross is the author of Corporate Mom Drop Outs, consultant, speaker, coach, and trainer. Contact Lucinda at [email protected], and visit her at , and .
© 2011 Lucinda Cross All Rights Reserved
Reprinted with permission.
Keeping Perspective
As always, my to-do list
is far too long
with groceries to buy,
the house to clean,
and yard work to do.
Please help me keep
these tasks in perspective.
I’m in danger of reducing my life
to a daily check list.
Help me draw on your serenity,
so that I can remember
that we gather together
for more than food,
that no one is checking
to see if the house has been dusted.
With these things in mind,
I can focus on You,
and through You,
on those with whom
I share this special day.