
I’ve pretty much given up hope on our ship coming in. You know the one that brings financial security, a better life and monetary ease. I believe our ship capsized somewhere out there, all hands lost. The wreckage keeps floating in, but it’s not enough to salvage. 

Apparently (to extend the metaphor further), we are not good captains of our economic destiny. So, I’m trying something new. I’m giving our finances over to God. Maybe He’s a bit too busy to actually balance the checkbook, but He’s very good at the long view. 

And I’m giving money away to worthy charities, even though we don’t really have the money to spare. Because there are plenty of folks out there with even less to spare. Good money karma comes back. I can’t count the number of times my luck has changed after I’ve given generously (and even unwisely) to others.

Giving to charity shouldn’t come from surplus, but should be set aside first according to need. That’s what makes it count. Just ask my new financial advisor.

Immeasurable Grace

Stopped at a corner in my car
saw a man holding a sign.
It read, I'm hungry.
You say, "Feed him."

Walked by a woman
sleeping on a cardboard box.
She needed warmth.
You say, "Cover her."

Crossed through a parking lot
there was an elderly lady
carrying heavy bags.
You say, "Ease her burden."

I long to grow closer to You
for your ways to be my ways.
You who feed,
provide comfort,
carry burdens.
Let me be a reflection of
Your immeasurable grace.

- Heidi Haller

"How do you decide your charitable giving?"


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