
Women want security: Lots of it, and all kinds.  We want the security of a loving partner. The security of knowing the people we love are safe.  The security of a relationship with God. Our desire for security is rooted in love.

But when it comes to financial security, love changes everything.

Meg will tell you. She got into money trouble because she loves buying things. It’s a simple problem really, too much money going out, not enough coming in.

One day Meg said, “Enough!” Her prayer that day was for wisdom to create a budget and the strength to stick to it. Income in one column, living expenses in the other. Calculate the difference and presto! She knew what she could spend on extras and how much she would set aside for savings.

Every single day Meg adds a prayer of restraint to her devotional. She is sticking to her budget. Meg is finding herself moving away from the love of things and closer to the kind of generosity that has no price tag.

about budgeting in the Daily Worth, an online community of women who talk about money.

Susan Diamond is founder of Prayables.com and publisher of .

Golden Light

Watch over our children
while they're away at college.
Defend the single mother and her child
as they travel on an unfamiliar road.

Hear us as we speak without words,
clutching our purses tighter on the city street;
rushing to close the windows
as the lightning storm approaches.

I ask for particular protection today.
Please be a fence and a fortress
to those who live alone,
to the elderly and to the disabled.
Care for those who have no one to turn to.

Extend Your umbrella of protection to cover
all of those who pray for help
and also those who don't.



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