2016-07-27 2016-07-27

People talk so much about fear these days that it has become a convenient excuse to sit in the corner and do nothing. Giving in to fear is like a lion giving up her position in the animal kingdom.  

If a lion were to show fear, she would not able to hunt; she would disappoint her pride, the family that depends on her. No one is born with fear. It’s something we decide to adopt. We tell ourselves that fear can conquer us; shake, rattle, and roll us around.

When you give in to fear, you cheat yourself, and you cheat the pride from having a strong, powerful leader. We must be more like the lion and roar. Get your roar back by doing the following:

- Hold your head high: Stand tall against your enemies.
- Protect your pride: Lead others with a loving heart.
- Live your birthright: Have faith in your power to overcome fear.

Remember, just like the lion, you are born fearless, powerful and wonderfully made. Call on your God-given strength, maintain your natural dignity, and demand respect. You have nothing to fear.


Lucinda Cross is the author of Corporate Mom Drop Outs, consultant, speaker, coach, and trainer. Contact Lucinda at [email protected], and visit her at and .

© 2011 Lucinda Cross All Rights Reserved
Reprinted with permission.


I believe love conquers all,
but today I am full of fear and anxiety.
I feel like the most overlooked
woman in the world.

Help me to know Your courageous love.
Remove this fear from me,
so that I may accomplish Your will.
Live in me, speak to me, rescue me.
Today, won't you deliver me with love?



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