2016-07-27 2016-07-27

What's up with that? Barb never expected to be single when she turned sixty. She's not the only one. 40% of female baby boomers are going it alone.  Many are happy with their “oneness.” Others are looking to be a “couple” again. It’s not easy. There just aren’t enough good guys to go around.

Enter girlfriends. Having someone to pal around with takes on even more importance when you’re single and sixty.  What a blessing it is to have friends! They shlep along with us when we have somewhere to go and make us get up off the couch when we’ve watched one too many episodes of Desperate Housewives.

Single women are hanging out together and choosing from a great big list of things to do when looking for fun, inspiration or companionship.

Barb found age-appropriate activities and opportunities that keep her busy and give her life purpose. She made sixty, her year to re-invent herself and live her life fully. She is happy.

Knees on the Ground

Not a catchy song
from an idolized show.
Just a simple reflection
upon genuflection and
how difficult it's become
with each passing year
to bend and re-straighten
without a cringe and a sigh.

Sometimes my knees
take it upon themselves
to voice their displeasure;
and a rickety crack
pierces the air.
Perhaps my aging patellas
are voicing their own prayer?

- Karen Laven


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