
Cary and Nan are very much in love. In fact— they’re so much in love that they consider themselves soul mates. Oh, and did I mention they fight constantly and considering divorce? It seems that even the best of couples can face insurmountable challenges in their marriage. To borrow a phrase from the legendary Tina Turner, “What’s love got to do with it?”

I was a guest at a wedding recently.  The ceremony was joyous, fun, tasteful, and completely devoid of any mention of God. I didn’t mind it one bit.  The bride is Jewish, the groom is Christian, and the officiant was religiously neutral. No one was offended, and traditional customs from both faiths were upheld. The vows were centered on the couple’s love for each other. They claim to be soul mates. I believe them.

But being soul mates, like marriage, doesn’t always mean forever.  There is only One forever: God. Everything and everyone, comes and goes, God remains.

from the the article Soul Mates by Sheri & Bob Stritof on about.com

Susan Diamond is founder of Prayables.com and publisher of .

New Love

Let me be a blessing to this man.
I cannot know what the future holds
and the relationship is still so young.
Whether I am with him for weeks or years,
help me to love him well.

Give me the personal strength
to hold him as a gift
and not as a possession.
When we disagree,
guide my words so that
I may communicate my truth
without invalidating his.

When he succeeds,
grant me a spirit of humble admiration.
When he fails, teach me to admire
him all the more for risks taken
and lessons learned.

Guide me to embrace and honor
the life he has chosen,
the man he strives to be.

And all the while,
please be in the center of my heart,
that You may be my model of love,
the light that I reflect for him.



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