I was at a party recently and someone asked me what I like to do for fun. All I could think of to answer was, "I love to pray, nap, and read." Not exactly stimulating party patter!
But we had a good conversation about books and a shared love for reading. I get so much enjoyment from a good book, yet too often, I take reading for granted. There are many people who struggle to read a simple story. My friend Phyllis recognized the need for a way to get children interested in reading. She came up with 'Bob Beetle Book Bug'. It’s a non-profit children's literacy outreach program and there are great things in the works.
Next time you pick up a good book, give thanks for the pleasure you receive from the written word. Spread the goodness around and support the efforts of Phyllis and others like her who “bug” kids to read.
For more info: 'LIKE' the Facebook page or email Phyllis Griggs: [email protected]
Understanding 101
Lost amongst my acres of knowledge
and mounds of books
I'm a mere academic,
Trying to make sense of life and love.
I own a mellifluous mountain
of meandering meaningless words
and I mouth them
when the moment arises.
I cannot tell the difference between
patois, idiolect, jargon, dialect,
idiom, argot, slang, and gobbledygook,
or colloquialism, waffle, claptrap.
I care not for ephemeral sounds;
"I'm sorry; I don't speak your vernacular."
I pray for someone to understand me.