2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Fess up! There are times when you are a defensive, crabby “Dora Downer.” Even though you know you should snap out if it, you’re just not ready (hit the snooze, give me a few more minutes please) and instead hang on to your bitchiness a little bit longer. Hours, days, weeks or a lifetime of bad attitude, just ‘aint right.
Here’s the grand-daddy of an all-powerful, can’t-miss, bad mood-ending prayer:

"Love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your might."

So un-original. Nearly every religion, culture and belief system has a prayer like this one. Yet, who can resist the simplicity of loving the One who loves you first and loves you back? It’s not a new idea, and it’s not an idea whose time is past. Loving God shows us how to love ourselves and others. God is love.

Heart of Love

Your heart of love becomes my own,
moving within each moment
all around me radiating joy,
perfectly singing its song of, “Yes you can.”

No matter if I am busy, still I can let go
and fill this moment with wonder.
Your heart of love connecting with me.
Your heart of love guides me, cheers me on.
Each step I take You are by my side.

So many, Thank you’s,” and gratitude to spare,
Your heart of love enriches my being.
The waters are still and shimmering;
so beautiful it is, Your heart of love.

- Mark Siet

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