2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Living life on purpose means that you have strategies in place that help you go from the land of not enough, to the land of more than enough.

Let’s say your life strategy is to start a business. You suffer financially because you refuse to believe in yourself, so you settle for less. Or maybe your life strategy is to build a happy home and you are emotionally, physically, or mentally abused,
so you settle for less. Don’t let fear and depression prevent you from living the life you should.

When a strategy fails, plan again, set a new goal, devise a clever way to accomplish and overcome. Remember, your thoughts, choices, and actions have great power. You are a co-Creator of the reality you live in. Life strategies only work if you work them. The next time you feel discouraged, or dis-empowered, know that you are anything but powerless. Never, ever, ever settle for less.

-Lucinda Cross

Lucinda Cross is the author of Corporate Mom Drop Outs, consultant, speaker, coach, and trainer. Contact Lucinda at [email protected], and visit her at and .

© 2011 Lucinda Cross All Rights Reserved
Reprinted with permission.

Make Life, Make Sense

Woke up and felt a fissure
in my faith today,
but there is just no way
to take my heart out of its groove.

All is well.  
There's always a way.
Help me get past
my need for everything
to make sense right now.

Abide with me.  
Tolerate my lapses.  
I'll take the trials,
if it comes with a home
filled with warmth and laughter.

I'll bear up under the pain
if it leads to a deeper faith.
I can't see the whole tapestry;
help me not to pull
a stray thread in anger,
unraveling myself in the process.



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