
Meta.”  When used as a prefix, it connotes a change in the position or state of something. Metamorphosis is a change from one thing into a completely new entity.

Once before, the term “meta” came into my life, to devastating effect. In 1999, my father was diagnosed with colon cancer, and the doctor told me it had metastasized, so it was fatal.

Two things crossed my mind at that moment: What kind of world doesn’t have this man in it? And, metasta-size?

What a weird word. What is the size of “metasta?” Must be mighty big. Bigger than the human heart can bear.

My father lasted until shortly after my birthday, and then his body gave out.

I think we should all “metatate” today. As in meditate, only change our way of thinking about it. Let’s not go into it thinking we’re going to be all touchy-feely and escape the world; let’s bring it into the world with us.

Why, you’d have to be downright meta-physical to pull that one off. Or know Someone who is. Give it a try — just for today — and let your faith flag fly.

Ruth Williams is a founding member of the Prayables PrayMaker Council and freelance writer living in central Jersey, with her son, Coleman. You can read more from Ruth on prayables.com and on her blog; .

Raising the Bar

Today is the day of absolute abandon.
Blessings beyond belief.

New perspectives. Ancient traditions.
Friends I haven't met yet.

Listening deeply. Feeling fully.

This is the day I say yes to everything.
Life, love, risk, spinning yarns,
being in the moment.

Surround me with the sound of church bells,
voices chanting, children playing.

Give me all that a life can contain
and joy du jour, until
my jaw hurts from laughing.

Make it possible for me
to do what's right and still
keep it real, and keep it light.



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