2016-07-27 2016-07-27

My friend, Charlie, takes a lot of crap about his diet rich in whole grains such as quinoa, couscous, brown rice and very little red meat. While I admire his steadfast commitment, my cravings for meat sometimes borders on caveman status. "Me need meat."

I recently came across an eating plan that highlights much of these same foods, and I thought, "Okay, maybe I can do this." Starting with salads, I've found that I can dress them up and add enough fun foods such as mandarin oranges, raisins, pecans, artichokes and sunflower seeds, to make a salad fun and filling.

Now, becoming less of a carnivore, I'm finding new additions in my quest for health. I'm actually enjoying foods like lentils, celery and berries- yes, lots of berries with my fiber-filled cereal at breakfast.

I pray for the strength to continue on this healthier path, including exercise and self-care so I can be a blessing to those around me, providing to others the inspiration that Charlie provided me.


To eat with gluttonous joy,
to drink with abandon,
to purchase something
I know I cannot afford.
I do what I know
I should not do.

I ask for Your grace and
Your intercession now.
During those times
when it seems too tempting
help me to resist,
and give my conscience
the gift of peace.

"Have you been the inspiration or 'inspired'
to a healthy lifestyle change?"

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