2016-07-27 2016-07-27
choose to gain

“What you choose is what you lose.” That was the advice I received by a weight-loss counselor. I’m someone who struggles daily with ‘weighty’ issues.

While this philosophy may apply to shedding pounds, I suggest that the flip-side is a key for spiritual health and happiness: “What you choose is what you gain.”

Choice is a complex matter deeply rooted in individual behavior patterns and influenced by genetic pre-dispositions. We all seem to struggle with some type of addictive challenge, ranging from serious problems with alcohol consumption, or gambling excesses, to a shoe fetish.

Personally, along with several other weaknesses, I find it hard to resist handbags. I already have a wonderful collection of perfectly useless choices and yet I’m off to another church yard sale! To buy or not to buy, that is the question, and therein lays my power of choice.

On a spiritual level, we have daily opportunities to exercise choice. For example, will we believe in a supreme being or reject the concept altogether?    If we look to the positive consequences of making such a profound choice, we’ll realize we have chosen to gain.

© 2011 Sharon Sinclair. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission.

Sharon Sinclair is a poet, author and inspirational speaker. Her book is available in print and on CD. Visit her website at .

Mind Games

Trigger my mind to love.
My thoughts will come alive.
I will love everyone
and everything today.
I am in control.
I can make the decision
to love today.
You have given me the gift of choice.
No matter what I am going through,
I will manifest the fruit of love.



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