Kids say some pretty cute things about God and prayer. Enjoy these words of wisdom from precocious little girls and boys!
- One particular four-year-old prayed, "And forgive us our trash
baskets, as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
- A little boy was overhead praying: "Lord, if you can't make me a
better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am."
- Her grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" As she mentally polished her halo she asked,
"No, how are we alike?" "You're both old," he replied.
- A ten-year-old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming
quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then, one day, she floored her
grandmother by asking, "Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The Virgin
Mary or the King James Virgin?"
- I had been teaching my three-year-old daughter, Caitlin, The Lord's
Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime, she would repeat after me the
lines from the prayer. Finally, she decided to go solo. I listened with
pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the
prayer. "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some
E-mail. Amen."