

Bob and Jim are talking, when they notice a rather goofy-looking kid,
bouncing down the sidewalk.

Bob says..."that's Tommy, he's one of the stupidest kids you'll ever meet,
here, I'll show you."

"Tommy, get on over here," says a laughing Bob.

As Tommy comes bouncing over, Bob pulls a shiny dime and a rusty quarter
out of his pocket.

Bob tells Jim that he and Tommy play this game all the time.

Bob tells Tommy, "Whichever coin you choose you can keep."

Tommy looked long and hard at the dime, then the quarter, finally choosing
the dime.

Bob looks at Jim, and says, "See, I told you that he wasn't too bright."

As Bob walks away laughing, Jim asks Tommy why he chose the dime.

Tommy motions Jim closer, then he whispers, "If I choose the quarter, he
won't play anymore!"

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