
AHeavenlySign-DailyJokeThere was a lady who had a favorite donut shop she would frequent every day.

When it came to the point where even the Big and Tall shops didn't have a pair of pants with a waist-size that went quite that high, she vowed, "No more donut shop." She told the proprietor, "That's it, you won't be seeing me anymore."

After a few days, she said to herself, "You know, maybe I was a bit too hasty there, who says that this is really what God would want me to do?"

So she worked out a signal with God; if she pulls up to the donut shop and there's a parking space right there for her, that's a sign from heaven that it's okay for her to keep eating those donuts and that no harm would come to her as a result.

The next day, the lady is right back there in front of the counter pointing out that special treat with her name on it. The proprietor says, "Hey, I thought you said you weren't coming back anymore?" So she explained, "Well, you know I worked out a signal with God. If I'd find a parking space, no harm, it's all fine."

"So you mean you found a space, huh?"

"Oh yeah! After driving around the block 16 times, I found a space!"

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