2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Daily Prayable


I look in the mirror and see a jumble of flaws.
Please, help me see myself as You see me:
Perfect. Whole. Capable.
Help me to view my defects as potential,
my awkwardness as a different beauty.
Prevent me from self-harm,
and from habits that bring me shame.
Help me to accept myself as I am,
just as You do,
with limitless kindness and forgiveness.

-  Lori Strawn


I wish I had a nickel, for every time someone said to me, "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual." I wouldn't be rich, but I'd have a purse full of nickels! Religion tends to get a bad rap; what with wars being waged in its name, and too many nutcases declaring themselves a church, then picketing at funerals. Spirituality on the other hand, conjures up images of peace signs, pale pastel chiffon and bliss.

Wooden pews or rolling green hills? Men in stiff collars or wood sprites?  Thou shalt not or ohmmm?... - Chief of Pray, Susan Diamond



Among other things, Advent is a time of waiting.  This theme was emphasized with the snowfall and frigid temperatures we in the Midwest experienced this weekend.  

We live close to our church and my husband was head usher, so we pulled on sweaters and boots.  At church, we waited with our pastor who made the trip over unsafe highways.  Would we have a service or not?
- Prayables Team Blogger, Sue Bradford Edwards

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