2016-07-27 2016-07-27

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Small Hr

Daily Prayable

Small Hr

It usually forces itself upon me,
because I'd never choose the discomfort
that comes with being
completely out of control.
I feel utterly humbled by
the hardness of circumstance,
and depleted of the ability to fix it.
But I trust in Your certainty
and become consumed by calmness.
Ultimate reassurance cradles me.
Radical trust in You changes things.

-  Erika Harris

Small Hr

Small Hr

The Prayables Community

From Our Social Media:

: Madeline Delcid said, "Beauty is in the eye's of the Beholder, Amen"

: Linda Johnson said, "Amen and always remember Gods not finished with me yet"

: Tanja Cilia said, "I am me. Not my looks or my height or girth or mental prowess."

: Dapar Ems said, "GOD made Us All, BEAUTIFUL!"

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