
Daily Prayable

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Daily Prayer

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In my mind, it's all settled:
I'm surrounded by the ones I love
and the things that tickle me:
my hazelnut candle, castanets,
a turquoise feather boa.

This might seem frivolous, but these
little tchotchkes and thoughts
make me feel at home.
It doesn't matter where we plant our roots,
just as long as our branches
reach toward the sun.

Be with us as we roam and ramble
then bring us back to the things that matter.
Help us to bloom where we're planted
and fly free in our minds.
Most of all, set up a home in our hearts.

-  Ruth Williams

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Celebrity gossip sites may call them the "Biggest Scandals of 2010," but I read these stories from a different perspective.  This was a tough year for me, and it taught me to view challenges through a "future filter."  That is, what did I learn from this experience that I can use going forward?
When the bottom falls out, that's the time when you're faced with an unavoidable choice:  either give up, or start all over again.

These celebrity scandals may provide titillation for many people, but I see them as  learning experiences.  There was a time when I'd read about Britney Spears' past troubles and think, "She's a hot mess!" But now I think of all the people along the way who exploited that child and didn't help her when she was down...

  - Prayables Team Blogger, Ruth Williams

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