Happy Women's History Month!
 We gather together, women of all faiths. We bring to you our thanks and our worries, our joy and our heartbreak. You are much greater than we can ever be. Please share with us the peace and wisdom You give to all who ask. Give us hope and joy as we gather together today and tomorrow.
The Prayables Community
On : pollard said, "it is a joy to live and give .just somthing i was thinking this morning." Shirley t said, "How beautifully expressed! Thank you for speaking to me this morning. Your words seemed written just for me...especially the last 2 lines...my sharing and reflecting God to others (family) is seriously "challenging" me...thank you for reminding me to ask Him to restore me with balance! Continue to be blessed" On : Graham A.K. Penfold said, "It Is Funny, Because Its Not True, You Can Pray Unceaseingly And Still Have A Sense Of Humour Thank The LORD..."
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