
Daily Prayable


May I honor Your Name always
as a blessing on my lips.

Your Name is not a weapon.
It is neither a catalyst for anger,
nor is it proof of my righteousness.

Your Name is the hand of kindness,
the voice of hope,
the source of all possible joy.
May I only speak it
in reverence and in love.

-  Abigail Wurdeman


The shower is the best place to check for lumps. Once a month I take my two fingers and go round my breasts in a circular motion, just like I was taught. I do my self-exam twelve times a year, my gynie exam once a year and my mammogram too. Fourteen times, for sure, every year, when I stop and pray for healthy breasts.

I'm grateful that I have not been directly touched by breast cancer. Some years back, my girlfriend Aimee got it. All of us cried, and some of us prayed. "

  - Chief of Pray, Susan Diamond


tanjacilia You know, it's funny how unaware you are of your surroundings until you have to look beyond yourself for help.

While I sort of pride myself on being aware, of others' needs and community involvement, it was this little thing that happened to me that made me more aware of my own neighborhood.

When I moved into the house where I live, I knew no one. I DO know that two houses on my street are empty - right across the street, and the two young families on either side of me are seldom home, running kids back and forth to activities.

So last Friday, when I accidently locked myself out of the house (who would do that on purpose?), I had to act quickly

- Prayables Team Blogger, Mary Boscaino

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