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Small Hr

Daily Prayable

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I wish for a house
with many rooms
to hold all my prayers
for you, my friend.

Happiness will sleep
in the still places:
in cups of tea, picture frames
and the smell of hope
that wraps around walls.

-  Miranda Claudius

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The Prayables Community

From Our Social Media:

On : Zenobia Ursery said, "Today's prayer was really deep to me. Loved it, keep it coming please"

On :
Vicki Doran said, ":lol: i love this site it brings me such warmth and to know there's others who feel like me really helps to cause sometimes i feel so alone and like i am the only one who feels the way i do"
Tanja Cilia said, "This prayer is a keeper - it reminds us that yes, we ought to be our brothers' and sisters' keepers."

In Response to a Daily Prayable
: Shami Vandyke said,

"Thank you for the Prayables. Things haven't been going very good for e lately.   It's like I'm walking in the dark, with no ray of light. When I read the one for today, I feel more at peace and see more light . Thank you so very much"

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