2016-07-27 2016-07-27

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Small Hr

Daily Prayable

Small Hr

Give me the strength and wisdom
to face all adversities in life,
no matter how large or trivial.
Though I know You are always with me,
I sometimes forget
when I am wrapped up in a struggle.
The only thing I need is a gentle nudge;
the reminder that You soldier on along side me.
Help me to stop and realize,
You will never let me down.

-  Dawn Tanner

Small Hr

Small Hr

The Prayables Community

From Our Social Media:

: Linda Johnson said "I dont judge people for who they are or what they have or dont have. We only have one judge and he judges whats in our heart and soul. I deal with alot thru everyday but at the end of the day I am me. A mere
grain of sand that God created in his own image."

: Janet Elaine Smith said "What a delightful prayer. My grandmother had some prisms on the window sill in her living room. How we loved to watch the colors refract as the sun passed through them. Thanks for wonderful memories."

: Brendalyn Chaney (kchaney11) tweeted "@Prayables Lord help me to hold out. It gets rough sometimes. Pray all day long, work home driving all of that"

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