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Small Hr

Daily Prayable

Small Hr

Wedding bells. Plans. Happiness.
Ultrasounds and doppler scans.
Why did she die?

Pink booties. Scented candles.
Musical mobile.

Lace curtains and nursery furniture.

Why did she die?

Drab days.Vacant stare. 

Meaningless existence.
Endless days and infinite emptiness.

Why did she die?

Please, I don't want Your
Comfort. Reassurance. Sympathy.
I just want You to know
Will we meet again?

-  Tanja Cilia

Small Hr

Small Hr

The Prayables Community

From Our Social Media:

On Prayer : ConSuella said, "Thank you for this prayer. It just verified that because I have faith in God I can endure whatever trial that I am faced with today and forever more. Isn't it great to have a wonderful Father like
the One and only."

On Prayer :
Sherlena said, "This really spoke to me. Might have to print it on a 3x5 and read it daily! Thanks for sharing"

: Tiger Chung said,
"Sad moments, Invite God
Lonely moments, Find God
Wonderful moments, Remember God
Heavenly moments, Glorify God
Hopeless moments, Study God,
Every Moment, Think God."

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