2016-07-27 2016-07-27
When we are young we are told,
"You can do anything you want
if you put your mind to it."
I don't believe that has to change as you get older.
Life is full of circumstances, set backs,
and failures that we can learn from.
Negativity is part of the world,
but can be over come by positivity.

I changed myself to fit in
and reap the destruction.
I now feel lost at times
because I changed my point of view
and experienced life through other's perspectives.
But, in all, I learned more about me;
what I want, need, and can do.
Life is full of lessons that we fail,
pass or repeat.
The choice is yours,
so love yourself!

-Christina Jeter, Community Writer
When we are young we are told “You can do anything you want if you put
your mind to it”!
I don’t believe that has to change as you get older.
Life is full of Circumstances, set backs, and failures that we can learn from.
Negativity is part of the world but can be over come by positivity.
I changed myself to fit in and reap the destruction.
I now feel lost at times cause I changed my point of view and
experienced life threw other perspectives.
But in all learned more about me, what I want, need and can do.
Life is full of lessons that we fail, pass and/or repeat.
The choice is yours<3 Love yourself
When we are young we are told,
"You can do anything you want
if you put your mind to it."
I don't believe that has to change
as you get older.
Life is full of circumstances, set backs,
and failures that we can learn from.
Negativity is part of the world,
but can be over come by positivity.

I changed myself to fit in
and reap the destruction.
I now feel lost at times
because I changed my point of view
and experienced life
through other's perspectives.
But, in all, I learned more about me;
what I want, need, and can do.
Life is full of lessons that we fail,
pass or repeat.
The choice is yours,
so love yourself!

-Christina Jeter, Community Writer

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