2016-07-27 2016-07-27

I know it was you when you  gave me your promise
I heard your audible voice
Not knowing why- I wrote every word down
It's been almost five years
I get frustrated, doubtful and scared. Lord, do you know how long I've been waiting?
And by the way Lord, in case you haven't noticed ,things don't look too promising down here on earth.

But from my God-I am once again  reminded of how you kept your word -last year, last month and even last week.
I now can jump from each FAITH  stone in your living moving waters . I jump from faith to faith to faith!
Oh, and remember I didn't know why I had to write down every word you told  me ?
That notepaper has been stapled together-a little torn, wrinkled and faded now.
It's purpose I now know-to keep me walking in your Faith filled words.

- Lee DeAngelo, Community Writer
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