The other day, she was changing the doll's clothes, and put shorts and a sleeveless top on her. I said, "Oh, she must be hot, if you're putting that outfit on." So, now Allison asks, "Doesn't my doll look hot?" The sad fact is, now that she hangs around her teenage cousins, she actually almost understands that "hot" means good-looking, or attractive.
Last summer I was working outside straightening up the plants around the store where I worked. I can't get the slightest bit warm without my cheeks turning scarlet, and when an evening shift worker came in, SHE said, "Mary, you look hot!" I didn't react, because I knew what she meant, but we both got some amused looks from the Assistant Manager and a couple of the other employees.
For most of us, the filter is built in. We know we need to think about what we say before we say it. For others, it just doesn't matter. They'll say whatever is on their mind.
My husband was quick-witted. He would come up with unusual sayings to get a point across and all I could do was laugh. I still reflect on those sayings, and my ponderings with friends, or co-workers on what they really meant.
"Exactly how do you pump smoke there, anyway?" I would ask him that after he'd quip with one of his colorful statements. He was good at NOT using that language around people who might be offended – he was a smart man.
It's difficult to know whom you can be completely open and yourself with and in what situations you can't, these days. I've never been offended easily, and instead find humor in what other people have to say, even if it's a little off color.
I appreciate people being themselves with me, and being able to say whatever they feel comfortable sharing. And I believe that even in our inappropriate remarks, God gets us. He looks past the anger or hurt, and really gets our point.