2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Each Sunday in Advent we light a candle in the Advent wreath, meditate and pray on a particular theme. The theme for the first week is Light. How wonderfully significant this becomes as we light that first candle!

As I contemplate Hope and Light, I always recall when Judy, my mother-in-law, started an amazing Christmas tradition in our family. Moving from a house to a condo, she found herself hip deep in an abundance of stuff. Why ask for more just because it was Christmas?

Instead, she asked us to give a gift to someone who, not only could use it, but truly needed it. She asked us to donate to . Heifer gives struggling people throughout the world livestock – the type of animal depends on the location and lifestyle of the person they are helping.

From bees to bunnies and cattle (thus Heifer) to camels, Heifer provides animals that in turn provide milk, eggs, fertilizer, pollination and fiber for yarn. Heifer also provides the training that the people need to care for their animals. All that Heifer asks in return is that, when the animal has offspring, that the first calf, kid or ducklings be given to someone else in need to start their own herd or flock. This program turns entire communities around.

Not convinced that something as small as a goat can make a big impact? Then check out this to see how Heifer has made a difference in the lives of women in India.

What better way to spread Light to women around the world in a concrete demonstration of Faith?

One Small Light

Light is wisdom
and learning.
Light is warmth
and shelter.
Light is love
and compassion.
Light comes from You.

Help me force back
the dark.
Help me spread
and loving,
and hope.

Let Your Light shine
through me
to brighten
the World's dark corners.




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